This time last year we had only just become members of our local YMCA. I did not know much about the Y prior to then and had never been in one, but a friend had suggested we become members as we were still new in town and it was a great way to meet people. It took several months to get around to it but finally last spring we signed ourselves up, and I must admit it was probably one of the best things we did for ourselves as a family since moving here (especially for me and the boys).
I had only ever been a member of a gym once before in my life and I never felt comfortable there. Getting another gym membership was not something I was interested in mainly because it was so expensive and intimidating. But the Y is totally different, and it has been such an important place for me over this past year. It has allowed us to do so many things as a family, and to stay healthy and active, without having to spend a lot of money. There have been so many great programs there, both for me and for the boys, and it has allowed me to get out of the house with them and have a place to go, and keep my sanity in the meantime. We've met so many great people and made so many new friends through our local Y.
Last spring I remember going one Saturday during the annual Y Ride and seeing all the participants cycling in the gym. It looked like so much fun, I couldn't help but stand there watching and wishing I was a part of it. I had never been on a spin bike before but that day I resolved that I would do it next year.
It took me several more months after that to get up the courage to take a spin class, but once I did I was hooked. And I have been going every week ever since.
This year I AM going to be participating in the Y Ride, at almost 6.5 months pregnant no less. The Y Ride helps raise money to support the YMCA and all it has to offer. Seeing as how the Y has given us so much, it only makes sense to give back.
I have to say I'm really excited for this event. I have found a sense of community at the YMCA here that I have never experienced anywhere else. It really is our home away from home. The boys and I can be found there usually at least 5 days a week, and sometimes we go both in the morning and the afternoon. Everyone is warm and friendly there. We have always felt welcome.
The Y Ride is on April 14th and it is a 6 hour event, though I have only signed up to cycle for 1 hour (not sure I could manage much more than that being pregnant!). My goal is to raise a minimum of $75 but I would love to raise more.
If anyone out there would like to donate to help me reach my goal, my personal page can be found here: Martina's Y Ride Page