I'm on a roll this week.
On Tuesday during the day I wasn't feeling that great, so the thought of going to my first yoga class wasn't even on my mind by the time evening rolled around. I put F to bed as usual, then changed into my pjs. I went downstairs and happened to glance at my Facebook to see a message from Monica: "OKAY MARTINA - GET READY FOR POWER YOGA! I'M COMING TO GET YOU!" I glanced at the clock - 7:50. Yoga started at 8. I hesitated for a moment, asked Tyler if I could go, then ran upstairs to get changed again. Just as I came back down Monica was at my door.
I'm so glad she dragged me out! I was quite nervous. I had never taken a yoga class, in fact the only yoga I knew was from a Yoga for Beginners dvd that I have, which I've only done a handful of times. What was I thinking going to POWER yoga for my first class? Monica assured me I could do it, as she hadn't really done yoga before when she started the class awhile back but has caught on.
So I just jumped in. I don't think anyone knew I was a novice. And actually, I didn't find it that difficult. It was challenging for sure, but not as overwhelming as I thought. Everything was totally doable for me, even some of the more complicated poses. I was surprised at my own flexibility.
It was a wonderful class, I will definitely be going back. I really felt it the next day, in a good way though. I felt it even more so than the spinning from the day before. I was sore, but it felt great. And I kept thinking I needed to do more yoga to counteract the soreness!
Tonight I took another chance and went to Pilates. Again the only time I have tried it before was from a pregnancy Pilates dvd that I have. And again I was a bit nervous. But as with yoga, I found it challenging but not too hard, and I really enjoyed it.
I'm feeling rather proud of myself this week. These are all things I have wanted to do for a long time but have been to scared or nervous to try for fear of looking like a fool. But I surprised myself not only with how comfortable I felt, but also with the ease I was able to do the exercises. It actually felt like I have been doing these things for awhile, and not that it was my first time taking a class.
I would love to go to spinning again tomorrow morning, but I think I should take it easy (plus I need to go easy on the childminding costs). Saturday is cardio kick and I can't wait!