Tuesday 10 May 2011

One Year On the Bay

Today it occurred to me that yesterday marks the one year anniversary of us moving out here from the city.  Wow.  A whole year has passed, it's so hard to believe.

Originally the plan was that I would stay in the city for a month after F was born to finish out our post natal care with our midwives.  But after F arrived Tyler didn't like the idea of me alone by myself during the week with both kids.

So we decided to go sooner.  We left Toronto when F was only 9 days old.  I suppose it was the right thing to do.  But then at the same time it would have been good to stay near family and friends who could help, and around the midwives and my family doctor for any medical care F or I may have needed.

Oh well, doesn't really matter now!  We made it. 

And now, one year on, we are starting to feel settled.  This town feels like home.  Occasionally I see Toronto on the tv and I remember how much I miss it.  But the feelings of wanting to go back haven't creeped up for a long time now.  That's a pretty good feeling.

We've resolved to make it work here.  We're going to give it a shot.

Happy One Year Anniversary, Life on the Bay!

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